Squats are something you can do to help prepare for labour and the extra pressure your body is under during pregnancy. So we’re big advocates for squats around here.
Squats put pressure on your cervix, helping to build up strength, resilience and ease of dilation during the different phases of labour.
Sensory Messages
Believe it or not, brain rewiring is happening when you’re doing squats. Sensory messages are sent to your brain while doing squats, stimulating the pathway to your nervous system.
Pelvic Pressure
While doing squats, you’re putting pressure on the pelvic area. They prepare your brain to recognise and watch out for signals of pressure in the pelvis.
Squatting stretches the perineum. We don’t need to explain why this is helpful.
When you do a squat the right way, you open up your hips. It prepares you for the natural process of when the hips open up during labour.
Building up strength is essential for a smooth labour. Labour is one of the most amazing and intensive times your body can be under naturally. If you can do squats safely to help build strength during pregnancy and for labour, you’re giving yourself a fantastic head start. Feeling strong will help with mindset going into labour, during labour and post-partum – so your recovery time.
Mind, Body Connection
Ten squats a day is fabulous for mind, body connection. Done correctly and safely, where you are in control, there will be so many physical and mental benefits of doing squats.
Final Words on Squats
We recommend modifying your squat depth if you have varicose veins, breech baby, low-lying placenta or avoiding squats if you are experiencing vaginal bleeding. Always consult your LMC or GP if you are in doubt.
Anj Young founded Top Notch Bodyworks. She was a fitness instructor for the RNZAF for 13 years, a qualified physiotherapist, massage therapist and osteopath. Her and the team at Top Notch Bodyworks know their stuff and can help support you in your pregnancy journey. Our osteopaths are also qualified to work with you during your pregnancy and fourth trimester.