Qualified Massage Therapy vs Unqualified?

Qualified Massage Therapy vs unqualified? – What’s the difference? Is there a difference within the massage profession of what type of massage you will get? Most definitely! A fully trained therapist, approaches your massage with a completely different outlook, compared to say a mall or spa massage.   Massage is

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Is Pregnancy Massage safe?

The answer is absolutely 100%. Booking in for a pregnancy massage is a very sensible option for pain relief and relaxation throughout the whole journey of your pregnancy. Now you may have seen or been told that the first trimester is not a good time to get one however that myth has slowly

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Is massage beneficial in our golden years?

I’m not 70, I’m 18 with 52 years of experience” – Anon ​If you’re a person of this age, then you would have seen many things come and go through life, including changes within your body.  We have found our 18 year olds with 52 years’ experience to be our

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How can relaxation massage help with anxiety and stress?

Are you in continuous circles of stressful situations? Under constant work pressures, family pressures, or performance pressure? Overtraining? “I’m so busy….I have got so much to do”. She replied exasperated, tired and even overwhelmed. This disease of being “busy” (and let’s call it what it is, the dis-ease of being

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How is your desk set up?

I recently visited an accountants firm in Palmerston North – mainly to check up on my younger brother and to see what a junior accountant’s desk set up might look like.  It was so well received that the whole office got a ‘desk audit’.  Poorly designed workspaces can be especially stressful to

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Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage can certainly relax you, but did you know massage therapy can do more than that. ​Here are 3 good reasons why regular massage is good for the mind and body and why you should book an appointment… 1. Lessens Anxiety and Depression = Less Stress! Stress is a fact of

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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Proof you have pushed yourself Can’t hold your arm up high enough to brush your teeth? Getting up off the couch and taking that first step a bit ‘ouchy’? Chances are you’ve pushed yourself a bit further than your body is accustomed to and you’re in a lot of pain,

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Is pain cramping your style?

If you ever have experienced this sudden intense pain, you will agree getting cramp can become extremely frustrating We see a lot of our patients coming in regarding cramping especially in the calves (which is one of the most common places) and it makes no difference whether it be our

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Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

A lot of people ask what is pregnancy massage and how is it different from a regular massage. The most difficult thing about this question is where we should start! Pregnancy has many physiological and psychological changes which a women will journey through. The physical changes can cause stress and

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Prevent injuries: Are you warming up?

As the weather gets warmer, so does the aim to get out and about and ENJOY the weather! If you have taken to hibernation this winter the best advice is ‘steady as she goes’ – gradually building your fitness up over time is the key to reducing injury. When you

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