I’m not 70, I’m 18 with 52 years of experience” – Anon
If you’re a person of this age, then you would have seen many things come and go through life, including changes within your body.
We have found our 18 year olds with 52 years’ experience to be our most endearing and well respected clients, and we always look forward to their interaction – especially the stories we are told.
You see touch and physical contact is still important to those who are getting older, and it is something that can be lost quite quickly especially when living in isolation away from immediate family or friends. We care about making sure you are doing OK and want to know what is going on for you and if we can assist with human interaction by providing you or your elderly relatives with gentle massage therapy.
We have electronic beds to lower to a safe height and we can assist you with getting on and off the table. Warmth and comfort are our top priorities to ensure treatments are modified to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Our qualified therapists are extremely competent with knowing what works, so it is not a scary experience for you.
Having a gentle, relaxation massage can be beneficial if you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, muscle aches and pains. If you have arthritis in the joints. Stress, anxiety or depression. If you have had a hip or knee replacement recently, we are able to help reduce the swelling and provide pain relief to calm the muscles surrounding the joint so you can perform your rehabilitation exercises with more freedom.
If you know of anyone who is elderly and would benefit from touch, please get in touch.